Nils Karlson is CEO and founder of The Ratio Institute – an independent Swedish research institute focusing on the conditions for enterprise, entrepreneurship and market economy and political change. After doctoral studies in economics and political science at George Mason University and Uppsala University, he in 1993 earned his doctorate with a thesis on State State: An...
Nigel Ashford, Senior Programs Officer at the Institute for Humane Studies. Nigel joined IHS from the United Kingdom where he was professor of politics and Jean Monnet Scholar in European Integration at Staffordshire University. He has also directed the Principles for a Free Society Project at the Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation and is He is a...
Christan Ekström, CEO of The Swedish Taxpayers’ Association Christian is one of Sweden’s most prominent liberal voices promoting economy and efficiency in the public sector, low and visible taxes, simple and clear tax legislation and legal certainty for taxpayers. He has previously served as the Head of Communications at The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises.
Per Bylund, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Records-Johnston Professor of Free Enterprise Per is an associate fellow of the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, a research fellow at the McQuinn Center of Entrepreneurial Leadership, and an Associated Scholar with the Mises Institute as well as senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Sweden....